Celebrate, Decorate

DIY Halloween Countdown Garland

Halloween Decorations

The spooks, the surprises, the costumes, the treats...Halloween is a scream. Count down the days until Halloween with a fun stair banister decoration. No stairs? No problem. This would work equally as well on a fireplace mantel or on the wall. Your kids are too old (or cool) to think it's fun? Load the Halloween… Continue reading DIY Halloween Countdown Garland

Celebrate, Decorate, Paint

Easy Halloween Egg Hunt

Halloween Easter Egg Hunt

Not wanting to go door-to-door this year for Halloween? No problem. Easily transform plastic Easter eggs into Halloween creatures full of treats. Use stickers, washi tape, google eyes, permanent markers, or paint to cast a spell on the eggs for Halloween. Once decorated, fill the eggs and hide them about the house.  Have a flashlight… Continue reading Easy Halloween Egg Hunt

Decorate, Organize, Paint

DIY Chalkboard Pantry Door

Chalkboard Door

Time after time we choose to fix things up in our house based on resale. WHY? We deserve to have our home reflect us and to bring us joy because WE live there. Anytime someone purchases a house and moves in, they immediately get to work making the place reflect their style. Often this involves… Continue reading DIY Chalkboard Pantry Door

Decorate, Makeover

Affordable Lighting for Your Home

Affordable lighting

It doesn't matter how simple the design, I consistently pick out items that end up having a big price tag. I want to love the look of my home. With that said, I still want to afford helping the kids get through college, or feeding them. As it turns out, teen boys like eating. To… Continue reading Affordable Lighting for Your Home

101s, Decorate, Makeover, Paint

Color Basics

Color Lesson

If you have questions about color, you are not alone. I' m currently in a Facebook painting group with nearly 150,000 people and they ask about color all-of-the-time. I'm here to help you. Multiple color theory classes, years of painting and art classes, a degree in pictorial art, a mural painting business, let's just say… Continue reading Color Basics

Celebrate, Decorate, Projects, Sew

Hand Painted Bunny Pillows

Cute bunny pillows on porch

Each spring I look forward to putting these bunny pillows out on my porch. I get compliments throughout the year from the neighbors. They like to see how my porch changes each month when they are out walking. These bunny pillows are crowd pleasers, for sure. Simple design with craft paints on a plain canvas… Continue reading Hand Painted Bunny Pillows

Decorate, Sew

Valentine’s Day Pillow Covers DIY

My name is Lisa and I have a fabric addiction. Like most crafty people, my supplies quickly pile up. Here is the perfect pillow cover project to dip into the current fabric stash and use what you have. Conveniently, this makes room for future fabric additions. I wouldn't say that I'm a fabric hoarder....let's just… Continue reading Valentine’s Day Pillow Covers DIY

Decorate, Projects

Heart Shaped Wreath

Four easy steps. That's it. With minimal tools, time, and effort you can have a perfect heart shaped wreath adorning your front door. Make your guests feel special from the moment they approach your home. Heck, make the the delivery guy feel special and he'll probably do a better job delivering your packages. It's worth… Continue reading Heart Shaped Wreath