101s, Repair

Reinforcing Kitchen Drawer Bottoms

Reinforce a kitchen drawer bottom

Reinforcing Kitchen Drawers What to do when your drawers give out. Over time we all put on a little weight and put strain on the seams. My kitchen drawers are no exception! Fortunately, for a few dollars and in fewer than 30 minutes, reinforcing kitchen drawer bottoms can happen in a flash. If only other… Continue reading Reinforcing Kitchen Drawer Bottoms


Kitchen Garbage Can 2 Minute Fix- Adding a Knob

cover photo for garbage can

Did you turn it off and then turn it on again? The sensor for the hands-free kitchen garbage can stopped working. Resetting it didn't fix it, changing the batteries didn't fix it. The touchless trash can just fizzled out on us. We only had 7.5 years together but I'm thinking the warranty must have recently… Continue reading Kitchen Garbage Can 2 Minute Fix- Adding a Knob

Decorate, Makeover, Projects, Uncategorized

DIY Kitchen Update on a Budget

budget kitchen makeover

Lose the guilt about not loving your kitchen by updating it for less than the cost of a full remodel. Change the look of your kitchen with a little paint, time and select items. It's not always about the function or the age of the kitchen; sometimes you just don't love the finishes. I went… Continue reading DIY Kitchen Update on a Budget