101s, Makeover, Repair

How To Reupholster a Dining Chair

Food and fabric are not friends. If the thought of re-covering your less than perfect dining chair seats is overwhelming, fear not. Here is a step-by-step to get the most fabulous upholstered chair seats. How Much Fabric Do I Need To Cover A Chair Seat? The amount of fabric will vary depending on the pattern… Continue reading How To Reupholster a Dining Chair

Decorate, Makeover, Paint, Projects

DIY Dollar Store Makeover: Chalkboard Paint Candlesticks

Halloween projects and decorations have been out in the stores and popping up all over Pinterest for a while now. I just couldn't bring myself to start blogging about Halloween until the boys were at least in school. Even then, with these hot summer temperatures it's difficult to think of cozy sweaters and all things… Continue reading DIY Dollar Store Makeover: Chalkboard Paint Candlesticks

Makeover, Paint, Projects

Revamp the Lamp! Spray Painted Buffet Lamp Bases

Armed with only a few minutes and a can of spray paint, a complete lamp transformation can take place.  Two bed side lamps from about 20 years ago, while cute, just weren't cutting it as buffet lights. One of the lamps had a broken shade so I was on the hunt for something better. I… Continue reading Revamp the Lamp! Spray Painted Buffet Lamp Bases

101s, Makeover

Professional Interior Designer Answers Your Color Questions

Do you remember asking about color for your home and I promised you answers and advice from a professional? Well, my friends, here is the long awaited post. Meet Carolyn Carolyn Call has been a professional Interior Designer for 30 years. Her background includes working with the nation's top home builders designing model homes throughout… Continue reading Professional Interior Designer Answers Your Color Questions

Makeover, Paint, Projects

DIY Furniture Makeover: Dining Room Buffet

Never underestimate the power of a tape measure. I always carry a small tape measure in my purse. Why, you may ask? That little guy has been used more times than I can count. It's measured furniture pieces, frames, inseams of pants, and even height when filling out a health form. A few years ago… Continue reading DIY Furniture Makeover: Dining Room Buffet

Makeover, Paint, Projects

Spray Painted Rattan Chairs

I saw potential. When I found these rattan chairs for my front porch on the neighborhood garage sale site, I knew they had some life in them yet. They were about $50 and I would have loved to pay less, but I am a terrible negotiator. Still, rattan chairs cost a pretty penny on other… Continue reading Spray Painted Rattan Chairs

Makeover, Projects

Our Flooring Remodel Adventure: Demo and Installation

All major projects seem to be a mix of excitement and dread. Pure excitement and joy at how fresh and amazing the end result is and dread when it comes to clean up and mess. I'll admit, I was nervous about the end results. Did I pick a good tile? Would the color work out… Continue reading Our Flooring Remodel Adventure: Demo and Installation

Makeover, Projects

And So It Begins…Our Flooring Remodel Adventure

How do you recognize when a project is more than you want to deal with? It's not easy for this DIY obsessed mama to acknowledge when she may be in over her head. I've tried enough projects to know what is manageable for me and which project would sink the S.S. Family Harmony. This post… Continue reading And So It Begins…Our Flooring Remodel Adventure

Decorate, Makeover, Projects

DIY: Faux Succulent Wreath

Antiquing I have three amazing sisters. Each one visited me at a different time this last year and each requested to go visit Waco, Texas. When in Waco visit the Dr. Pepper museum, the Texas Sports Hall of Fame, Magnolia Market at the Silos, and you for sure need to do some antiquing. I found… Continue reading DIY: Faux Succulent Wreath

Decorate, Makeover

Jute Covered Pot

First off, let me state that I am a big fan of live plants and flowers. On this occasion though, I needed something for a corner of the hallway that wouldn’t receive enough natural light to keep anything real alive. I needed to go with something artificial. The ficus or ivy thing wasn’t really the… Continue reading Jute Covered Pot